Developing Confident and Powerful Learners!

Welcome to West Elementary!
when you're here - you're FAMILY
(Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports)

At West, we believe that there are many ways that we can positively support our students and reward them for being themselves! Students sign on to "Team West" once they understand Grit, Risk-taking, and Ownership, they are able to earn Raider Respect Tickets, Confident and Powerful Learner Awards, and much more!
West Elementary is the grade level attendance center for all 5th and 6th graders in Sidney with an approximate total attendance of 180 students. Students benefit from 90-minute blocks of instruction for Reading and Math and departmentalized instruction for the other core subjects. A full gamut of Special courses are offered each week including Art, Guidance, Library and Computer Skills, as well as Music and Physical Education. Special Education students receive the majority of their instruction in the classrooms with assistance. All students have access to individual assistance through para-educators and volunteers. Students have the opportunity to access a before and after school tutoring programs for extra assistance. Standardized test scores continue to be well above the national average. Click on the graphic above to visit the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION website.